That's the sound of the pobblebonk frog that lives here.
It may be an ugly little bastard, but it makes a marvellous noise, and gives us hope.

19 April 2011

molto molto tomatoes!

If there's one image, one dream, of this happy home vegie gardener, it's a profusion of ripe, homegrown tomatoes. This year has delivered, finally, and in spades ... From assorted origins came six plants, and although only two truly flourished, between them all we've had as many tomatoes as we want - lots, all sorts, eaten every which way - starting with these grape tomatoes in January and not yet done by April.

bees do it!

They do indeed. Here are busy bees in summer, tackling a couple of their favourites - borage (for nectar?) and artichoke flowers for pollen. My poor hive is no more. My neglect, which I'm very embarrassed about. But in due course I'll get a new hive established, and learn from my mistakes ...

a wet summer's aftermath

After a wet summer, changes are evident all over the place. Some bring challenges, some pleasure, some simply a happy reminder of the interconnected and unpredictable nature of the property. With full dams, after 14 years of - at best - partial and seasonal filling, the growth on their banks is drowned and dying, everything from large wirilda to wide swathes of reeds, dense shrubby nets of cassinia and emerging gum saplings.

a not-a-post post

Can't believe it's been two months since even the most basic post. Which leads me to two observations ...

1. the beauty of gardening - or working on one's land more generally - is that it's a wonderful and rewarding distraction whether or not it comes with much conscious thinking and reflection

2. the reason I like permaculture is because it justifies being lazy! Or at least, it encourages daydreaming and planning and productive work without getting bogged down in work for work's sake

Perhaps the rhythm of picking, tending, gazing, wandering is enough. For now. Looking back on most of the posts and updates here, it's about plans and hopes and work for the future - perhaps I've forgotten to enjoy and record the pleasures of when it all works! So here's a mea culpa post and with that I'll start updating some other pages ...